Friday, June 22, 2007

More Stairs, windows and doors!

This should be the last week of framing over at Coyote Run. The roof should get papered today, and they're going to try and get all the windows and doors in today too. Jess built the stairs down into the basement this week and the bulkhead stairs as well. So things are coming together. Amy and the boys came up on Wednesday and they got the full tour. The kids had a good time running around the house. Here are some photos of this week's progress.

This is the attic space above the garage

Jess hanging out above the garage

the view down at Amy, Helen, Cliffy, Oliver, and Levi

the boys in the kitchen

down into the depths of the basement

Miranda, Aunt Amy, and the boys. Oliver is behind Miranda and Harley.

Levi posing in front of the windows and doors.

Harley and Miranda heading back to Nammy and Papa's.

the sun sets on another day at 199 Coyote Run....

Friday, June 15, 2007

Roof is going on!

It was a long week of work over at Coyote Run. Jess fell asleep tonight in the second inning of the Red Sox game, and not even on the couch, he went to bed. They have most of the roof sheeted now and today Jess built the stairs to the second floor. I was there for the inaugural stair climb. It's nice to just walk upstairs, and it also helps to get the feel of the layout of the house. They'll be back at it on Monday. Here are some pics of the roof and stairs. As always, Levi was a nice model for me.

the stairs were a bit shaky, but they'll be fine once they frame the walls around them


more roof!

ruff, ruff!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin', Get Those Trusses Rollin'....

Today was another big day, if not the biggest day so far over at Coyote Run. Today the job site, really became a house site. All it took was a crane, six guys, and a whole bunch of trusses. Jess left the house early and the guys worked hard all day. The last truss was placed around 4pm. I rode over at lunch and got to see the work in progress. To see the roof lines really makes it feel like a house. We went back over after dinner and walked around upstairs. I hadn't been up to the second floor with all the walls framed. Tomorrow they will start sheeting the roof. I have to admit that I'm so excited about all this that I'm about ready to move in over there and sleep on the plywood floor. Here are some photos of Rollin' day.

Jess' truck at 6:30am (3000lbs of plywood, can't do that in a Subaru)

The trusses in the morning sun (not quite art, but it looks beautiful to us).

One last look before the rollin' begins...

around 2pm they were already mostly done

more views...

view from the west..

doggie in the foreground, and oh look, a house in the background.

All done, time for a beer, nice job boys.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Second Floor Walls

It was a hot day here (87 degrees at 4pm) and pretty humid, but the guys are working hard. When I rode over there at lunch Jess was up on the second floor so I didn't get to talk to him. But things look like they are coming along. They'll be rolling trusses on Tuesday (you can see them in the foreground of the photo). Not sure when the roof goes on, but we'll be having a party when that happens. It looks like the weekend here is going to be nice. Jess will get some much needed rest from the house, and be ready to go on Monday.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Moving on up!

the view of the house from the southwest
That's us up there!
Cute view from the second floor
sunset from the second floor....

and Mz and Jess heading back to ground level

The second floor deck is on now and I got my first look at it last night. It was such a cool feeling to stand up there and look out at what our view will be. We can see a little sliver of the lake to the West, and I'm sure that during the winter months we'll be able to see a lot more. For now this seems like another big step in the building process. Helen and Paul watched Miranda and Jess and I hung out at the house site just taking it all in. It is really starting to feel like a home to us now. We were thinking back to a year ago when we had just finished our ground water monitoring of the soil on the property. We weren't sure if we'd be able to put in a septic system, and if we couldn't do that we couldn't build a house. So we've come a long way, and to stand up on the second floor and look out towards the lake, well I just don't think I have words for it.
Levi seemed a little disappointed that he couldn't come up with us. He did a funny thing though, he went out into the yard and sat down where he could see us. I thought that was pretty cool. He's going to be one lucky doggie to get to live at 199 Coyote Run.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Room with a view....

view from the second floor!!!
Look a ceiling!

I just got a photo from Jess from the job site, the text in the message was, "lake view". The picture is a little fuzzy, but I think if I squint I can see the lake, and those are definitely the Adirondacks. This also means that the second floor is coming along. Jess' latest update was that; "we'll be rolling trusses by next week". This is good news, because: trusses = roof, and roof = house! The porches around the house are also framed now. I wonder when they put in the stairs?

Monday, June 4, 2007

We're in a rain delay.....

The tarp is on the field, so to speak, and there aren't any hammers swinging over at Coyote Run today. We went over to the house on Saturday and I got my first look at it with the interior walls in place. That really seemed to put things into perspective for me. I could start to picture where things would be. I thought I'd take this opportunity to post the floor plan. This is my favorite view because it has furniture. All the little lines refer to light switches and what they turn on. Hopefully the next post will have some photos of the second floor.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Big happenings on Coyote Run....

Looking at the northwest corner of the house
the 1st floor before the garage walls went up
the sawhorse on the left is just about where the stove will be in the kitchenanother view of the kitchen
Helen and Levi look pretty small in the garage

this is the view as you walk in the front door,

straight down the hall is the master bedroom

The framers (which is just two guys and Jess), were pretty busy this week. As of today all the exterior walls on the first floor are framed, and most of the interior is framed too. Jess called me this week to warn me about how big our garage is. You look at it on paper, and it looks big, and even with the slab poured it looked pretty huge, but once the walls went up, then it really hit us. We are building a garage, and oh yeah, there's a house attached too. Jess assures me that it won't look too out of scale when it's all done, but it does seem pretty huge right now. Check out the photo of Helen and Levi next to the garage wall. Helen is pretty short, but those walls are eleven feet from the slab to the top of the wall. We should be able to have a game of catch in there in the winter.